A Step-by-Step Guide to Setting Up Your VOLCANO with PASSAROLLA Vape Balloons

A Step-by-Step Guide to Setting Up Your VOLCANO with PASSAROLLA Vape Balloons

Posted by The PASSAROLLA Team on 2023 Jan 21st

Are you ready to elevate your VOLCANO experience to the next level? Look no further than our latest video tutorial, where we show you how to properly attach and use PASSAROLLA Vape Balloons with your VOLCANO vaporizer.

To get started, you will need the following VOLCANO accessories:

  • Easy Valve Balloon Adapter with mouthpiece *
  • Balloon Fixation Ring
  • Slipring

The Easy Valve Starter Set comes with 4 regular bags and 1 Easy Valve Adapter bag.

Step 1: Insert the tapered bottom

  • Insert the tapered bottom into the slipring first, followed by the balloon fixation ring
  • TIP: Put the slipring on first, then the balloon fixation ring

Step 2: Push up both rings

  • Push the slipring and balloon fixation ring upwards, while opening the tapered bottom by inserting your fingers.

Step 3: Attach using both rings

  • Insert the balloon adapter and attach using balloon fixation ring, followed by slipring
  • TIP: Attach the balloon fixation ring first, then the slipring. Pull the color band past top ridge of the adapter

Step 4: Adjust balloon as desired

  • Adjust the balloon as desired and enjoy!

By following these simple steps, you will be able to properly attach and use your PASSAROLLA Vape Balloons with your VOLCANO vaporizer. Enjoy the enhanced experience that our balloons provide with their unique hot-air balloon shape and 100% nylon material. So go ahead, elevate your VOLCANO game with PASSAROLLA Vape Balloons today.